Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The backseat HuMp

The dreaded hump in the back seat of a car, I hate sitting there because I am so tall but usually end up there because I am small enough. Last summer when we were shopping for a house, we were all in the car with my parents, sister, and the realtor. I was trying to be positive about ending up on the hump seat again, since my sister was prego and the realtor was driving. So we were all getting in the car and I said,

"I can always go for a good hump."

Trying to make a joke out of the fact I was sitting there again... not really thinking about the other meaning. Everyone was just silent, then my parents and my sister all busted up laughing.... so the realtor felt comfortable laughing too. I just threw my hand over my mouth wanting to take those words back in but ended up laughing too.

Be careful what you say when you are on the hump!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Take me back to those teenage years.... PLEASE DON'T

My parents and I were talking about how when some people.... we will not name any names.... were when they were going through those wonderful teenage and were full of hormones and had the attitude problem and how wonderful they were to be around. So I was thinking of when I was a teenager what I did and I thought of a story that always makes my sister laugh.
I was having a rough day and my sister was being all sassy to me that day and I was probably do the same to her. Well the next time I saw her she was playing foose ball and wearing one of my shirts. That was it.... I yelled "You are wearing my shirt! ugh YOU ARE RUINING MY LIFE!" Honestly how dramatic could I be.... time to take a couple of breaths and relax.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Creation

My mother and I attended a Education Week at BYU-Idaho and one of the speakers invited us to find the humor in life and to have a humor journal or box.... I decided a blog was my route. So here is where I will share my funny moments in life. I frequently am making a fool of myself but enjoy laughing at myself so here is the beginning of my humor blog. It will involve funny stories that I have heard or from my own life and funny pictures.

To start I heard a story at Education Week that made me laugh so hard:

The story starts in the 1950's where a married couple was fighting, I sure something stupid, and they keep arguing until it is time for bed. They go to bad mad at each other, never a good idea, when they wake up they are still bickering back and forth until the husband goes to the front room to read the paper. The wife gets ready and since it is the 1950's she puts on a dress that has a zipper in the back. Of course any girl know that it is practically impossible to do up a zipper in the back by yourself and after ten minutes of the wife trying to do up her zipper she stomps to the front room and grunts for her husband to do up her dress. The husband still upset pulls up the zipper than pulls it down, and does that several times. The wife grabs her purse and stomps out the door and is off to spend her husbands money. She returns several hours later to see her husband underneath the car working on fixing it. As she is walking over him she remembers the event the happened this morning. She leans down and does the same thing to his zipper that he had done to her and with a smirk on her face walks into the house to find her husband sitting on the couch with the paper still.

Horrified she asks her husband who that man is outside that she thought was him, he remarks that it is the neighbor who agreed to help him with the car. They both run outside to see why the neighbor hasn't moved. It turns out that when the wife had done the deed with his zipper he had been so shocked that he had jumped and hit his head on the car and was passed out.

Needless to say.... fight was over! Communication is the key...